
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Adventure Begins

As you may know, I am spending this next year in Malaysia with the ELCA's program Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM). The YAGM program sends young adults (19-29) to nine different countries across the globe as missionaries to accompany the community they are serving for a full year in their life.  Accompanying means walking alongside the community, learning, growing and loving with them.   I am excited to serve at Jireh Home in Tuaran, in the state of Sabah.  I am doing after school mentoring for the kids who live there, tutoring conversational english and possibly music and/or science. 

YAGM orientation in Chicago begins on August 15th, and we depart for our countries on August 22.  After arrival in Malaysia we will have about two weeks of orientation as a group (there are eight of us) before going to our placement sites!  As the summer quickly comes to a close, I am thankful for the time I've had at home this summer and the ability that gave me to visit with so many friends in so many different places.